domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 22/IV/16


PLO'S: Life science: diversity of life.
Explore inside your body, your heart.

THEME: Your Heart
1) Hear the instructions and do it.:
What happens with your heart:
A) When you are scared.
B) When you run
C) When you rest
2) Tell how you feel during the exercise listen with respect your companions.
3) Watch the video
4) Research about the veins and arteries.
5) Answer pages 128, 129, 130 S1.

PURPOSE: Describes how the blood travels through the veins and the arteries.
1) Make a drawing of your heart. Veins are blue and arteries red.
1) Show the drawing to your partner and invites to describe it. Remember use adjectives.
2) With both works make a video and publish.

Read at least 10 min.

Activities for 21/IV /16

PLO'S: Patterns
Understands the relationship within tables of values to solve problems.

THEME: Line plots and find the range and the mode.
1) Research in your IPAD math key words: line plots, range, mode.
2) Each team will choose one theme ( how many glasses drink of water in a week ,how many days you eat fruit and vegetables in a week, how many days you make exercises in a week , how many days you eat junk food in a week.
3) Then you will ask your classmates about your theme and make your line plot.
4) And find the range and the mode.

PURPOSE: Use the line plot to understand relationship to shove problems.

1) Answer page RW46 MATH HSP.
2) Study key words page 114 for quiz

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 20/IV /16

PLO'S: Thinking ( Writing and Representing )
Uses writing to extend thinking by analyzing the relationships in ideas and information.

THEME: Advertisements
1) Research in your IPAD, about the advertisements and answer the questions:
😊 What is the purpose of th music advertisement?
😉 What is the purpose of the drink advertisement?
😮 Do the advertisements use adjectives and how?
2) Chose 5 key words page 114 S1 and write 5 sentences to persuade to buy a snack in your notebook.
3) Use a graphic organizer to organize your ideas.
4) Corrects your draft, circle with orange the adjectives.

Final product
Purpose: Use the advertisements to analyze and write their ideas or information.
1) Each team will choose one Social Media.
2) Publish an advertisement about a healthy snack you want people to buy.

1) Answer pages 86 and 87.
2) Read at least 10 min.

Activities for 18/IV/16


PLO'S: Social 
Describes workers that help the population distributation in selected countries.

1) Research the activity of dairy products in your country make a Pic Collage in pairs
2) Answer page 152 S1 and write the name of each product under each box.
3) Listen,point, and repeat U6 Track 20 and answer pages 110 and 111.
4) In pairs play the missing letters to complete the Key Words.

PURPOSE:  Use a mind map to brainstorm ideas for the dairy products in your country.
1) In your notebook the mind map. Use the workers and the 9 key words. Remember is important to 
2) Paint your map in the board to your group and evaluate the comments.
3) With group's  map, make only one.Publish in the Blog.

In your S1 page 154 write another example of a product in your country.
Write the meaning in Spanish only animals page 111 Fun

Activities for 15/ IV/16

PLO'S: Life science: diversity of life.
Explore inside your body, how do you breathe.

THEME: How do you breathe?
1) Hear the instructions and do it.:
a) Breathe through your nose.
b) Breathe through your mouth.
c) Take a ballon, inflates it.
2) Tell how you feel during the exercise listen with respect your companions.
3) Draw the path of the air follows to reach your lungs in a picture.
4) Research what protects your lungs, and chose one image.
5) Answer pages 126 and 127 S1.

PURPOSE: Describes the path of the air in your lungs.
1) Show the image to your partner and invites to describe it. Remember use adjectives.
2) Publish in Face both works.

Read at least 10 min.
Bring ingredient for cooking class

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 14/IV/16

PLO'S: Number
Understands place value for numbers less one thousandth.

THEME: Place Value
1) In team with color chips will represent a number. Bigger chips will be thousands, blue will be hundreds, red tens, white ones. At least 3 numbers.
2)Use key words page 94( the last 7 words). Write the letters b,c,d,f,g,m,p,s on each index card.
3) One teammate takes all the cards and mixes them up.
4) Then, another classmate takes a card and tries to say as many words from the words from the word list that start with that letter.

Final product
Purpose: solves problems involving place value and vocabulary words ( key words ).
1) In your BLOG make problems using place value and key words page 94 (the last 7 words), like an exam. 
2) Change with a teammate and motivate to solve your exam.

1) Answer pages 102 and 103 S1
2) Study the key words page 94

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 12/ IV /16

Reading and viewing
PLO'S : Thinking ( reading and viewing ).
Responds to selections read by expressing an opinion and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence.

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. "All the colors of the Earth" by Sheila Hammmanaka.
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.

Final product:
Purpose: responds to selections read by making text-to self using visualize.
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)
Read Picture books pages 4 and 5 and circle the verbs with red and write them on page 35.
Read at least 10 min aloud.

Activities for 13/IV/16

PLO'S: Features ( Writing and Representing )
Uses adjectives for description and uses strategies to spell unfamiliar words.

1) Listen the track U6 16, number and repeat pages 90 and 91 S1.
2) Past to the front and chose one card. This card will have a uses of the adjectives.
3) Each team will explain the uses they chose, and past in the board with post it examples.
4) Use the adjectives and the key words page 94 and make sentences in your notebook.
5) Underline with orange the adjectives, with blue the sustantives and with red the verbs.

PURPOSE: Describe using adjectives and uses strategies to spell unfamiliar ( key words ).
1) Make a Pic Collage to represent the adjectives and key words.
2) Publish in face, YouTube, blog, Twitter.

1) Answer pages 84, 85 and 93.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 11/ IV/16

PLO'S: Life science: diversity life.
Investigate how milk is produced. Compare milk production in the past with today.

THEME: Milk production today and in the past.
1) Read page 150 S1 aloud and circle these words: machines, plastic, glass, store, dairy, farmer, bottles, hand, cows, sell, carry, truck.
2) investigate the production of milk in the past and in the present.
3) Make sentences with those words using present and past tense about the milk production. Publish in your BLOG. 
4) Illustrate.

Final product
Purpose: Write short phrases using the words to complete the Venn Diagram.
1) Use the Venn Diagram to explain the MILK PRODUCTION today and long ago.

1) Write sentences in page 154 S1 using the words. Be careful with present and past tense. 
Read at least 10 min 

Activities for 8/IV/ 16

PLO'S : Life science: Diversity of life.
Explore inside your body, identify your bones and muscles.

THEME: Inside your body, your bones and muscles.
1) Watch the video
2) Describe what exercise do you and do it.
3) Answer pages  122 to 124 S1
4) In the board will be 3 columns: muscles, bones, muscles or skin. Check what are you using to move.
5) Research the principle muscles and bones and the differences between them.
Final product:
Purpose: Reflects on and assesses own by setting goals and creating a plan improvement.
1) With your team make a video about your research.
2) Use Skype to invite others groups to watch your videos and comment.

Read at least 10 min and don' forget your booklet

Activities for 7/IV/16

Identify the value of the coins.

Theme: Value of the coins.
1) watch the video
2) Draw the coins you need to buy differents products ( key words page 72) in your notebook.

Final product: 
You can count to find the total value of the coins.
1) Make a Pic collage and work in team.
2)Share in Face and Twitter.

Answer page RW 29 and RW 30 HSP MATH.
Study key words page 72 and answer page 73

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 5/IV/16 ( Reading Power)

Reading and viewing
PLO'S : Thinking ( reading and viewing ).
Responds to selections read by expressing an opinion and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence.

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. "All the colors of the Earth" by Sheila Hammmanaka.
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.

Final product:
Purpose: responds to selections read by making text-to self using visualize.
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)
Answer page 33 S1.
Read at least 10 min aloud.

Activities for 06/IV/16

Language Arts
PLO'S: Features ( Writing and representing).
Uses like, don't like or prefer in complete sentences.
1) Work in pairs, explain in your own words the meaning of key words page 72.
2) Make a list of five foods you like, don't like or prefer compare your list with your partner.
3) Look at the pictures in page 59 SI and write the food items you chose in the correct column.
4) Use Pic Collage that shows the food you and your friend like.

Final product
Purpose: Make sentences with like, don't like or prefer and vocabulary words.
1) Make at least 3 sentences with like or don't like and circle with blue your voc. words.

Make a booklet about things you like, prefer and don't like. Read the instructions on page 60 S1 for Monday April 11th, 2016
Answer page 70. S1.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

Nota Informativa: Hospital Veterinario

Algunos Hospitales tienen área de juego para mascotas y diferentes áreas de cirugía o chequeos,(revisiones ). Los Animales tienen ciertos cuidados por eso hay que atenderlos para los casos en que los hospitales tengan menos trabajo y que las mascotas estén bien.

Valeria De Miguel

Nota Informativa: Hospitales

El hospital atiende y busca el bienestar de los enfermos.

Estefanía Espinoza

Nota Informativa: Hospitales

Los hospitales son servicios que ofrece el gobierno o los particulares y acuden los enfermos y lesionados.


Nota informativa: Los Policías

Los Policías tienen el deber de cuidar a las personas, en ocasiones traen armas de fuego, utilizan uniforme y otras veces se acompañan de perros entrenados.

Arturo Estrada

Nota Informativa: La Mantequilla

La mantequilla es un producto grasoso que se obtiene a partir de la leche de vaca y la cual tiene un proceso hasta obtenerla y que se usa más que todo para sazonar los alimentos.


Nota Informativa: La Biblioteca

Nota informativa sobre La Biblioteca:
Una biblioteca puede definirse , desde un punto de vista estrictamente etimológico que significa lugar donde hay libros.


miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

Actividades de Español del 14 al 16 de marzo

Tema: Hacemos un álbum de productos o servicios

Campo Formativo: Exploración de la Naturaleza, Lenguaje y comunicación.
Aspecto: Desarrollo y vida social. Escritura.
Competencia: Relación de la naturaleza y la sociedad. Analizar la información y emplear el lenguaje para la toma de decisiones.
Aprendizaje esperado: Reconoce la importancia de la naturaleza para la satisfacción de necesidades básicas, como alimentación, vestido y servicios, seleccionando materiales de lectura e identificando información para ampliar su conocimiento sobre un tema.
Propósito: Leer, organizar, escribir y armar un álbum a partir de la investigación sobre productos y/o servicios.

1.- Investiga sobre el proceso del producto para sacar al consumo o el servicio que escogieron en equipo.
2.- En tu cuaderno escribe un mapa mental con la información que investigaste. Analiza si tu investigación te ofrece la siguiente información:
a) ¿de dónde proviene el producto?¿cómo y dónde se frece el servicio? ¿Cuál es el proceso de transformación del producto?¿cómo se accede al servicio?
b) escribe una descripción del proceso del producto o servicio.
3.- ¿Dónde lo investigaste? ¿Tenía ilustraciones?
4.- Pública lo que investigaste.
5.- Lee los comentarios de tus compañeros y aporta nuevas ideas de cómo se produce o transforma un producto o se presta un servicio.
Cuida tu ortografía y redacción, no se te olvide completar con fotos que ilustren tu investigación.

Tema: Hacemos un álbum de productos o servicios

Campo Formativo: Exploración de la Naturaleza, Lenguaje y comunicación.
Aspecto: Desarrollo y vida social. Escritura.
Competencia: Relación de la naturaleza y la sociedad. Analizar la información y emplear el lenguaje para la toma de decisiones.
Aprendizaje esperado: Reconoce la importancia de la naturaleza para la satisfacción de necesidades básicas, como alimentación, vestido y servicios, seleccionando materiales de lectura e identificando información para ampliar su conocimiento sobre un tema.
Propósito: Leer, organizar, escribir y armar un álbum a partir de la investigación sobre productos y/o servicios.

1.- Elabora una nota informativa de tu producto o servicio. Guíate con el siguiente ejemplo:
Título: Proceso del Queso
Información: El queso se elabora de la siguiente forma...(aquí escribes la información de tu investigación.
2.- En tu cuaderno dibuja o busca imágenes que puedas recortar del proceso y escribe una nota corta de cada paso debajo de tu dibujo o imagen ya recortada y pegada.
3.- Toma foto de tus proceso ilustrado.
4.- Realiza un IMovie con las fotos y publícalo en el Blogg.
5.- Lee las publicaciones de tus compañeros y aporta nuevas ideas para complementar sus investigaciones.
Cuida tu ortografía y redacción.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Reading power by Elena

When I watch the video, I visualize my summer vacation
1) The title visualize in summer.
2) I like the story because represent family's values.
Final product: First I was young and I play with my cousin in summer. Then we play with our dolls, we take care like our daughters.Next we went to the supermarket with our daughters. Finally the night surprise us and we slept with our dolls.


I love eat fruit and vegetables 
I love eat fish
I drink to much 
I love eat cucumber and jicama 
I eat to much broccoli 
I make exercise 

Healthy food

My health habits

I make exercise Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday,I eat fruits and vegetables and I stretches my.         Sebastian 

I make exercise Monday,Wednesday,Saturday and Sunday sometimes vegetables and fruit.  Alec 

Activities for 15/III/16

Activities for 15/III/16

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. "On a summer day" by Lois Lenski.
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.
Final product:
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 14/III/16

Activities for 14/III/16

Theme: Healthy Habits

1) watch the Key words page 50 S1 and in pairs play mimic game with them.
2) Read Ann's healthy habits chart. Then, circle the correct answer.
3) Complete your healthy habits chart. Check what you do. Then, add two more habits.
4) Copy in your Blog and your notebook.
5) In your Math Notebook make 3 graph about your healthy habits.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

El Solitario


Diego bernal

Los ojos del monstro Girasoles

Lo llame asi porque las flores representan los ojos y estan hechas de girasoles.


Los solecitos

Los solesitos le pusimos porque son bonitos coloridos alegres y muy resistentes al sol y no nesesitan agua

Los girasoles preciosos

Los girasoles preciosos

Llamamos asi nuestro cuadro porque los girasoles estan bonitos
Sebastian y Arturo

English homework by Elena

Header image

Primary Homework Help
The Romans

by Mandy Barrow
WW ll
Roamn Britain
Saxon Britain
Viking Britain
Norman Britain
Tudor Britain
Victorian Britain
World War Two
500 BC 
AD 43
  March 11, 2016  
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Roman Numbers


The Roman Numeral, as far as we know, was the only written numbering system used in Ancient Rome and Europe until about 900 AD, when the Arabic Numbering System, which was originated by the Hindu's, came into use. (The Arabic Numbers are the ones we use today 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Roman Numerals do not have a zero (0) and have 7 digits (I, V, X, L, C, M) 

In our number system, Arabic numbers, we have ten digits (from 0-9) and we can make as big a number as we want with these.

What Roman Numerals mean

1 = I
2 = II
3 = III
4 = IV
5 = V
6 = VI
7 = VII
8 = VIII
9 = IX
10 = X
20 = XX
30 = XXX
40 = XL
50 = L
60 = LX
70 = LXX
80 = LXXX
90 = XC
100 = C
500 = D
1000 = M
2000 = MM

Counting with Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals were not just used for counting/ recording the number of objects but also the order of people sharing the same name.

Roman Numerals traditionally indicate the order of:

1. Rulers e.g. 

Henry I
Henry II
Henry III
Henry IV

Henry V
Henry VI
Henry VII
Henry VIII

2. Church leaders 

Pope Benedict XV
Pope Benedict XVI

XV means 10+5 =15 thus, XV=15

The current (265th) pope is Pope Benedict XVI, who was elected April 19, 2005. He is the 16th pope to have the name Benedict.

Other uses

Roman Numerals were also used for as dating on cornerstones of buildings showing origin of a building, statutes, headstones, books publication such as in chapter titles, volume of book series, appendices, numbers on clocks and so on.

Roman numbers on a clock face

What is odd about the Roman numbers used on a clock or watch?

If you look at four, it is IIII instead of IV.

On the most famous clocks in the world - usually called Big Ben in the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster where the UK Houses of Parliament are located, the numerals are in lower case, gothic script and the 4 is depicted as iv.

Big Ben

Copyright at the end of programmes on the television

Roman numbers are used in the copyright year shown at the end of British TV programmes. You can see an example of the current copyright date written in this way on the web at the BBCsite.


1990 = MCMXC
1991 = MCMXCI
1992 = MCMXCII
1994 = MCMXCIV
1995 = MCMXCV
1996 = MCMXCVI
1999 = MCMXCIX
2000 = MM
2001 = MMI
2002 = MMII
2003 = MMIII
2004 = MMIV
2005 = MMV
2006 = MMVI
2007 = MMVII
2008 = MMVIII
2009 = MMIX
2010 = MMX
2011 = MMXI

back to the top


1)The shop window is in front of my home.

1) The VI shop window is in front of my home.

2) We learn to play a sport.

2) We learn to play XI sports.