sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Activities for 26/IV/16

Reading and viewing

PLO'S : Thinking ( reading and viewing ).
Responds to selections read by expressing an opinion and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence.

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube http://youtu.be/Io4hU0beFsM
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. 
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.

Final product:
Purpose: responds to selections read by making text-to self using visualize.
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)
Read "Picture book" page 2 and 3, circle with orange the adjectives. Remember is in your folder.
Read at least 10 min aloud.

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