martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

La pantera negra

                                           La pantera negra

Es un animal mamífero , es carnívoro , en el día se esconde en una cueva o 
En un árbol y por general casan en la noche ,  
Por otro lado, en Sudamérica se denomina pantera al jaguar (Panthera onca); en Norteamérica, la palabra pantera es comúnmente usada para denominar al puma (género Puma); y, para el resto del mundo, en especial en África y Asía , La pantera negra que todos conocemos no es más que un jaguar melánico, donde el amarillo es suplantado por un tono pardo de oscuro a negro.


El tigre

El tigre es el más terrible y feroz  de los mamíferos de la familia.
de los felinos es oriundo de la india pero se encuentra también en otras regiones de Asía y su cola mide 60 centímetros
By Joshua

Los tiburones

El tiburón
Mide de 8 a 10m tiene la cabeza maciza tronco más alto que esta anterior, fusiforme por atràs, y acaba en una aleta caudal may desarollada. 
Las partes inferiores son blancas y las superiores y los flancos gris oscuro. Es un animal muy peligroso, también conocido como el devorador de hombres. 
Vive en los mares templados y cálidos aunque es poco abundante.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015


The soccer is beautiful my family practice and scores a goal.



I like playing soccer with my family in the field we exercise like running my dad kicks the ball really hard he scores a lot of goals I am the goal keeper.

I will be a soccer player like Messi.



I like soccer because you can run kick score goals with my family, friends,  cousins, and uncles


Activity so that I like to do with my family

My favorite activity with my family
Going to the park and practice to kick the ball and score meany goals my brother was surprised and very happy That  my aunt gave him new gloves for being a goal keeper we rest very day in the park my mum brings us some water and a chocoleit bar and then we play in the pack again and I stretch I am a good athlete my mum and dad always plays with us soccer and stretching then we go to the house and put a uniform on then we play we have a blue and Pinckney shirt then Michel wins we all like to play soccer and athletist. Nicole Jacques Aguilar    

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Los leones

El León 
El León come carne, es un mamífero, habita en África  en libertad mide de 2 a 3 metros tienen una gran melena se les llama "el rey de los leones" por su gran fuerza hay 20 mil leones y 4 mil machos están están en peligro de extinción. 
Es de la familia de los félidos, su nombre científico es (pantera leo) hay 5 especies de los félidos. Nicole. 

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015


We investigated about animal groups and we found that the animal kingdom is divided in six groups:

BIRDS: they have wings, feathers and a beak. They hatch from eggs and almost all of them can fly. You can find them all around the world. 

FISH: they live in water, so they have gills to breath, the use fins to swim and the lay eggs. They give scales on their bodies.

INSECTS: you can find them everywhere! They have three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. Most insects have wings and a pair of antennae. They lay eggs.

MAMMALS: you can find them in several sizes and all around the world, on land and in water. Most mammals give birth to live young, then they raise their babies on milk. Many mammals have fur or hair in their bodies. 

REPTILES: they use short legs to move, or crawl on their bellies to move around like snakes. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals, that means that they need sunlight to keep their bodies warm. They hatch from eggs and they have dry, scaly skin.

AMPHIBIANS: they live in every continent, except the Antarctica. They hatch from eggs in water, so they have gills. As they grow, they change into animals with lungs and move to land. They have moist skin.

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