jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Line plots,Range and mode

Mode (statistics)

For other uses, see Mode.

The mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data. The mode of a discrete probability distribution is the value xat which its probability mass function takes its maximum value. In other words, it is the value that is most likely to be sampled. The mode of a continuous probability distribution is the value x at which its probability density function has its maximum value, so the mode is at the peak.

Like the statistical mean and median, the mode is a way of expressing, in a single number, important information about arandom variable or a population. The numerical value of the mode is the same as that of the mean and median in a normal distribution, and it may be very different in highly skewed distributions.

The mode is not necessarily unique, since the probability mass function or probability density function may take the same maximum value at several points x1x2, etc. The most extreme case occurs in uniform distributions, where all values occur equally frequently. When a probability density function has multiple local maxima it is common to refer to all of the local maxima as modes of the distribution. Such a continuous distribution is called multimodal (as opposed to unimodal).

In symmetric unimodal distributions, such as the normal distribution, the mean (if defined), median and mode all coincide. For samples, if it is known that they are drawn from a symmetric distribution, the sample mean can be used as an estimate of the population mode.

Mathematics, science, technology, and musicEdit

In mathematicsEdit

  • Range (mathematics), a set containing the output values produced by a function
  • Interval (mathematics), also called range, a set of real numbers that includes all numbers between any two numbers in the set
  • Range (statistics), the difference between the highest and the lowest values in a set
  • Projective range, a line or a conic in projective geometry
  • Column space, also called the range of a matrix, is the set of all possible linear combinations of the column vectors of the matrix
Advanced Line Plots
Plot the mean, median, mode, and range of the data shown on the line plot.  Grades 4 and up.
3rd and 4th Grades
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Common Core
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See Also:
Pictograph Worksheets

Pictographs use symbols to show data.

Line Graph Worksheets

Line graphs (not to be confused with line plots) have plotted points connected by straight lines.

Pie Graph Worksheets

Pie graphs, or circle graphs, show percentages or fractions of a whole group.

Bar Graphs

Students can practice creating and interpreting bar graphs on these printable worksheets.

La descripción

Ciudada de México a 21 de abril de 2016

Marinas de Rubén de Luis 

El agua esta muy limpia, hay muchas rocas, hay cielo hermoso, arena y se ve una casita a lo lejos.


Marinas de Rubén

Marinas de Rubén de luis

La descripción

Tiene un mar azul y arena dorada y rocas grises y pasto o algas de color verde  y un sol de color amarillo fuerte


La Descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de abril de 2016.

“Marinas” de Rubén de Luis

Tiene un acantilado, tiene una casa, tiene mar y arena, es de día.


La Descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de abril 2016

  Marinas de Rubén de Luís 

Descripción es bonito tiene una montaña ay arena hay un cielo en la montaña, una casa, un mar que es azul, plantas, un sol y es muy colorida.


La Descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de abril 2016🎀

   Marinas de Rubén de Luis 🐶
El cuadro Tiene colores  crema, la arena muy amarilla, el mar muy azulado, con nubes. Se ve muy tranquila.

Hannah Martínez   Maldonado 💖🎀🌸🐶🐶 

La Descripción

Ciudad de México a 21de abril de 2016

Marinas de Rubén de Luís 
Yo veo el día nublado y el mar esta azul y hay una casa, la arena es amarilla y el cielo es azul.

La descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de abril de 2016
Marinas de Rubén de Luis

El mar es azul con piedras, tiene arena amarilla, tiene un acantilado con pasto y una casa roja.

Sebastián Bernard Monroy

La descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de Arbil del 2016
Marina de Rubén de Luis
El cuadro tiene:
Arena mar ( playa ) un acantilado y encima tiene una construcción hay pasto y rocas el cielo tiene pocas nubes el arena bronceada y el mar con la sombra del sol.

Valeria de Miguel Melo.

La Descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 Abril de 2016 

Marinas de Rubén de Luis 

El cuadro tiene la playa y es todo solitario, veo que hay un acantilado de roca y pasto.


La descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de abril 2016

                                                        Marinas de Rubén de Luis  

El mar es azul, hay pasto, rocas, nubes y una construcción.


La descripción

Ciudad de México a 21 de abril de 2016 

                                                Marinas de Rubén de Luis 

                                                Tiene mar, hay arena amarilla,
                                                hay un cerro cubierto
                                                con pasto.



miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Lectura Diaria

Tom es travieso el trabajo para el es un juego, su tía Polly lo castiga cuando hace travesuras se porta mal y le hace cosas a su tía como esconerse.
Alec 2º

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer  hace del trabajo una diversión, hace travesuras, vivía con su tía Polly y le gustaba hacer del trabajo un rato divertido

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer es travieso, huérfano, lo cuida su tía Polly; juega los sábados con sus amigos.

Mauricio C. 2º

Lectura Diaria

Había  una vez  un chico llamado Tom Sawyer él hacía travesuras, may competitivo,tomahawk  todo como un juego, su tía se quejaba de cada travesura que hacía.💖 

Lectura diaria


Una vez un niño que llamaba Tom era muy travieso; vivía con su tía Polly; a Tom no le gustaba trabajar, era un poco peleo negro era muy bueno jugando a varias cosas.
Alonso V. 2º

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer era muy travieso, le gustaba convertir el trabajo en un juego, la Tía Polly lo cuidaba, él tenía muchos amigos amigos.

Emiliano 2º

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer era un niño travieso, es fachoso, flojo, juguetón y le gustaba convertir el trabajo en juego.

Sebastián 2º

Lectura Diaria

Tom Sawyer es: travieso,fachoso,flojo,tiene un hermano,lo cuida su tía Polli y convierte el trabajo en juego.

Valeria De Miguel 2º

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer era desobediente, huérfano, travieso que vivía con su tía.

Maia 2º

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer era travieso, juguetón y le gustaba convertir el trabajo en juego además le gustaba jugar en el río.

Arturo E. 2º

Lectura diaria

Tom Sawyer era un nińo huérfano que le gustaba convertir el trabajo en juego, era travieso, vivía con su tía. Se peleaba con facilidad.


lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Milk production

1 The milk sells in store

2the  milk production is in industries.

3 First the caw is order then milk is ready for store.

4 the milk taste delicious  with cookies. 

5 we like milk

The milk production

The milk sells in the supermarket.
The milk don't have germs.
The milk in the past sent them directive to homes.
The milk is delicious.
The milk comes from the cows.

Arthur and Emiliano 

milk production

The machines desinfect the milk .
The store sell the milk .
They put the milk in a glass bottles in the past .
They put the milk in a plastic bottles in the present .
In the store there are so many brands of milk 
Estefy y Elena 


Production of the milk

The cows give us milk.
The machines put the milk on conteiners
The milk sells in the stores
The plastic conteiners have milk
In the past the  milk  with glass containers
Valeria and Sebastián 

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Activities for 28/ IV /16

PLO'S: Thinking ( Writing and Representing )
Uses writing to extend thinking by analyzing the relationships in ideas and information.

1) Research in your IPAD, the types of sentences
2) Listen, point and spell U6 Track 31 pages 162 to 166 S1.
3) Make 10 different type of sentences, circle with orange the adjectives, red verbs, blue nouns.

Purpose: Identify the different types of sentences using words.
1) Make a PIC COLLAGE with the themes you practice today.

Read at least 10 min

Activities for 27/IV/16

PLO'S : Thinking (writing and representing)
Reflects on and assesses own writing by taking steps toward achieving goals using verbs

1) Listen, point and repeat U6 Track 33 pages 162,163,164, 165 in your book S1.
2) Write a recipe for your favorite snack using the key words in your IPAD and in page 88.
🍳 Write a list of ingredients.
🍮 Write the steps for how to prepare a snack.
3) Show to your partner and evaluate with respect.

PROPUSE: Make your own recipe and you can conclude that a recipe tells how to prepare a specific dish. And is important to follow steps and have a correct order.

1) Study key words for quiz.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Activities for 26/IV/16

Reading and viewing

PLO'S : Thinking ( reading and viewing ).
Responds to selections read by expressing an opinion and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence.

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube http://youtu.be/Io4hU0beFsM
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. 
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.

Final product:
Purpose: responds to selections read by making text-to self using visualize.
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)
Read "Picture book" page 2 and 3, circle with orange the adjectives. Remember is in your folder.
Read at least 10 min aloud.

Activities for 25/ IV/16

PLO'S Patterns demostrate that the line of the symmetry will be congruent.

1) At 8:00 will be make their brain gym,  They will use this theme.
👬👭 exercise with a partner.
First do by yourself 👶, divide your face in the middle, then tell in one side how many 👀👄👂and in the other.
Next you make with the body of your friend. PLEASE WITH RESPECT CONTROL YOU EMOTIONAL INTELIGENCE.
2) You will have a sheet of paper you will draw a figure 🌞🌺🍔🍎⭐️💜
3) you will fold in half and have the both halves, match exactly.
4) trace your figure and the line onto the paper, fold your tracing along the line.
5) Think of folding the figure along the line.
6) The two halves appear to be congruent if you do all the steps correctly you have a great conclusion.
7) Comment your conclusions.

PURPOSE: With a tutorial you can prove: the line that divides a figure into two congruent parts is a line  of symmetry.
1) In team you will make a tutorial with your practice in class.
2) Publish and comment 

1) Answer pages RW100 and  RW 101 HSP MATH.